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Showing posts from June, 2018

Password reset too simplistic/systematic issue

Some time when we try to reset the password of our user in linux it will show as simple and systematic as below: BAD PASSWORD: it is too simplistic/systematic no matter how hard password you give it will show the same. Solution: ######### Check if your password is Ok with the below command, jino@ndz~$ echo 'D7y8HK#56r89lj&8*&^%&^%#56rlKJ!789l' | cracklib-check D7y8HK#56r89lj&8*&^%&^%#56rlKJ!789l: it is too simplistic/systematic Now Create a password with the below command : jino@ndz~$ echo $(tr -dc '[:graph:]' 7\xi%!W[y*S}g-H7W~gbEB4cv,9:E:K; You can see that this password will be ok with the cracklib-check. jino@ndz~$ echo '7\xi%!W[y*S}g-H7W~gbEB4cv,9:E:K;' | cracklib-check                 7\xi%!W[y*S}g-H7W~gbEB4cv,9:E:K;: OK Thats all, Thanks.

HSTS disabling in Browsers.

HSTS stands for HTTP Strict Transport Security, Today I came up in a situation to renew the ssl certificate in netgate pfsense firewall. When taking the url in the browser am getting an error SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE and my browser will not show the unsafe link to the site. And I can only renew the certificate after getting the web url and login to the pfsense firewall. Like a dedlock situation. How I solved this issue is to disable the HSTS checking in the chrome browser. Just take the url chrome://net-internals/#hsts in your chrome browser and give your ssl expired domain in the " Delete domain security policies" section and click on "Delete". That is all, now you will get the "proceed with the unsafe" link and can login and install the new ssl certificate for  your pfsense firewall. Cheers.