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Showing posts from January 17, 2019

Setting up S3cmd client to manage files in Digital Ocean.

First we need to generate the Token , KEY ID and Secret key from the Digital ocean console > API > Generate Token > Generate Key. Installation In Centos ###################### cd /etc/yum.repos.d wget yum install s3cmd Configuring the S3cmd ##################### s3cmd --configure This will ask for Key Id and Secret Key Region use the default one. No encripytion is necessary, just enter. Say yes for ssl https and finally press enter of HTTP Proxy Now the confiurations will be saved in the ~/.s3cfg file. Open it and add the below entries: access_token = host_base = <region> host_bucket = %(bucket)s.<region> now save the file and exit. Putting a file to Digitial Ocean bucket. ######################################## s3cmd put /home/jino/filetest.txt s3:// <bucket> Reference. #########