exiqgrep to obtain a queue listing, and then greps the output to select messages that match given criteria. The following selection options are available: -f Match the sender address using a case-insensitive search. The field that is tested is enclosed in angle brackets, so you can test for bounce messages with exiqgrep -f '^<>$' -r Match a recipient address using a case-insensitve search. The field that is tested is not enclosed in angle brackets. -s Match against the size field. -y Match messages that are younger than the given time. -o Match messages that are older than the given time. -z Match only frozen messages. -x Match only non-frozen messages. The following options control the format of the output: ############################################# -c Display only the count of matching messages. -l Long format – display the full message information as output by Exim. This is the default. -i Display message ids only. -b Brief format – one ...