Pre-requisites: ############### >> K8s cluster setup with 1 Master and 2 Worker nodes. >> Deployed an application with Deployment name "client-sb" >> Also you need to create an HA-proxy server by spinning an Ec2 instance. After login the Ha-proxy server. # yum install haproxy # vi /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg delete everything after the global and defaults starting from "Main front-end which proxys to the backend" paste the below code in the end of the file: --------------------- frontend http_front bind *:80 stats uri /haproxy?stats default_backend http_back backend http_back balance roundrobin server kube server kube --------------------- # systemctl status haproxy # systemctl enable haproxy # systemctl start haproxy 1. Create a Namespace, a SA, the Default Secret, the Customization Confi...