If you try to install certbot you will get a message like below in Amazon machine image EC2 instance. ------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry, I don't know how to bootstrap Certbot on your operating system! You will need to install OS dependencies, configure virtualenv, and run pip install manually. Please see https://letsencrypt.readthedocs.org/en/latest/contributing.html#prerequisites ------------------------------------------------------------ Fix: ### Amazon Linux 2 doesn't have epel-release in its repositories, but I've found you can install the EPEL RPM package itself, and then you'll be able to install certbot or certbot-nginx from there. Download the RPM curl -O http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm Then install it sudo yum install epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm Now you can install certbot sudo yum install certbot And then run it as usual sudo certb...