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K8s External Secrets integration between AWS EKS and Secrets Manager(SM) using IAM Role.

What is K8s External Secrets and how it will make your life easier? Before saying about External Secrets we will say about k8s secrets and how it will work. In k8s secrets we will create key value pairs of the secrets and set this as either pod env variables or mount them as volumes to pods. For more details about k8s secrets you can check my blog   So in this case if developers wants to change the ENV variables , then we have to edit the k8s manifest yaml file, then we have to apply the new files to the deployment. This is a tiresome process and also chances of applying to the wrong context is high if you have multiple k8s clusters for dev / stage and Prod deployments. So in-order to make this easy , we can add all the secrets that is needed in the deployment, in the AWS Secret Manager and with the help of External secrets we can fetch and create those secrets in the k8s cluster. So what is K8s external Secret? It i...
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