The main difference between the VMs and Containers is that virtual machines require their own kernel instance to run while containers share the same kernel.
In other words, containers are virtualization at operating-system-level whereas VMs are virtualization at the hardware level.
In virtual Machines each Guest OS will have its own Operating System and kernel.
But in the case of LXC Containers the Guest OS will share the same OS of its Host machine.
LXC vs Docker
- LXC is a container technology that gives us the lightweight Linux containers and Docker is single application virtualisation which is based on top of the containerd Run time engine.. Thus even though based on container utilisation they may sound similar but they are completely different when it comes to usage.
- Unlike the lightweight LXC containers, docker does not tend to behave lightweight VM’s. Single application restriction of the docker is strictly by the design
- We can easily log on to our LXC containers and can treat it us as an operating system and can install our required applications and other services and will work as expected. But when you consider the Docker the base OS template trimmed down to a single application environment and does not have proper init daemons, cron, Syslog, etc.
Useful LXC Commands
1) lxc list #To list the lxc containers
2) lxc image list # To list the images in the local repo
3) lxc image list images: # To list the images in the remote repo.
4) lxc image list images:centos #To list all the images of centos
5) lxc remote list # To view the remote repositories
6) lxc storage list #To list the storage volumes.
6) lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 #To launch an ubuntu container.
7) lxc move myubuntu1 myubuntu # To move the container to another one.
8) lxc move myubuntu #To move to another host.
9) lxc copy myubuntu myanotherubuntu #Will make a copy of first one.
10) lxc exec myubuntu bash #To login as root.
11) lxc exec myubuntu su - ubuntu #To login as ubuntu user.
12) lxc start myubuntu #Start the container
13) lxc stop myubuntu #Stop the container
14) lxc delete --force myubuntu # Will delete container evenif it is not stopped.
15) lxc info myubuntu #To view the info about the containers
16) lxc config show myubuntu #To view the configurations of the containers.
17) lxc profile list #To list the profiles used by the lxc containers.
18) lxc profile show default #To view the default profile used for the container creation.
19) lxc profile copy default myprofile #To copy the default profile to custome profile
20) lxc config set myubuntu limits.memory 512MB #Will dynamically set the maximum ram in container to 512MB, Means when the container is running.
21) lxc profile edit myprofile
Now remove the {} in the config: section and add the line "limits.memory: 512MB" as below:
limits.memory: 512MB
22) lxc launch ubuntu:16.04 myubuntu2 --profile myprofile # This will launch the myubuntu2 container with 512MB ram as max ram limit.
23) lxc file push myfile myubuntu2/root/ # Note that it is not : its / . This will push myfile from host machine to the myubuntu2 lxc container.
23) lxc file pull myubuntu2/root/myfile . # Note that it is not : its / . This will pull myfile from myubuntu2 lxc container to the host machine.
24) lxc snapshot myubuntu2 snap1 #Take the snapshot of myubuntu2 container with name as snap1
25) lxc restore myubuntu3 snap1 #Create myubuntu3, which will be the exact copy of myubuntu2
26) Indorder to setup nested containers(Container inside an LXC Container), we need to enable security features in the lxc configuration of the parent container.
lxc config set myubuntu2 security.privileged true
lxc config set myubuntu2 security.nesting true