Some time when we try to reset the password of our user in linux it will show as simple and systematic as below:
BAD PASSWORD: it is too simplistic/systematic
no matter how hard password you give it will show the same.
Check if your password is Ok with the below command,
jino@ndz~$ echo 'D7y8HK#56r89lj&8*&^%&^%#56rlKJ!789l' | cracklib-check
D7y8HK#56r89lj&8*&^%&^%#56rlKJ!789l: it is too simplistic/systematic
Now Create a password with the below command :
jino@ndz~$ echo $(tr -dc '[:graph:]'
7\xi%!W[y*S}g-H7W~gbEB4cv,9:E:K;BAD PASSWORD: it is too simplistic/systematic
no matter how hard password you give it will show the same.
Check if your password is Ok with the below command,
jino@ndz~$ echo 'D7y8HK#56r89lj&8*&^%&^%#56rlKJ!789l' | cracklib-check
D7y8HK#56r89lj&8*&^%&^%#56rlKJ!789l: it is too simplistic/systematic
Now Create a password with the below command :
jino@ndz~$ echo $(tr -dc '[:graph:]'
You can see that this password will be ok with the cracklib-check.
jino@ndz~$ echo '7\xi%!W[y*S}g-H7W~gbEB4cv,9:E:K;' | cracklib-check
7\xi%!W[y*S}g-H7W~gbEB4cv,9:E:K;: OK
Thats all,