Deauthentication Attack
This attack is very useful,
it allows us to disconnect any device ( whether it is a windows machine, OR android phone OR an ios phone anything connected to the wifi network ) from any network that is within
our range, even if the network have encryption , even if it uses a
key and we don't have that key.
For this we need to spoof
our MAC address with the target client's MAC Address.,that we need to
disconnect. So that we can pretent to be him and send a
deauthentication packet to the router/Access point.
At the same time we need to
Spoof the MAC address to the Access point/Router MAC Address, and
tell the target client to re-authenticate yourself.
The program that is using
for this purpose if aireplay-ng which is from the aircrack-ng
# aireplay-ng - - deauth [No
of packets] -a [AP] [INTERFACE]
# aireplay-ng - - deauth
1000 -a 11:22:33:44:55:66 mon0 // Disconnet all clients
# aireplay-ng - - deauth [No
of packets] -a [AP] -c [CLIENT][INTERFACE]
# aireplay-ng - - deauth
1000 -a 11:22:33:44:55:66 -c 00:AA:11:22:33:44 mon0 // Disconnet a specific client from an
By issuing the above
command, the device/ Client 00:AA:11:22:33:44 will lost the internet
connection as we are sending continous 1000 deauth packets to this
client. Hence his net connection will be lost and he evantually needs
to re login for getting net connection in his machine.