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Setting up Helm chart for K8s cluster

Helm is a powerful and flexible package-management and operations tool for Kubernetes.

There are two parts to Helm: The Helm client (helm) and the Helm server (Tiller).

1) ssh to your k8s master node

2) Download the helm client from the url :

Linux amd64 (checksum)
# wget

# tar -xzvf helm-v2.15.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
# mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin
# which helm
# helm version --client --short

3) Now we need to initialize the helm server (Tiller) in the k8s cluster.

For this,

 > first we need to create a serviceaccount called tiller in the kube-system namespace.
 > then create a clusterrolebinding called tiller and attach the clusterrole cluster-admin to the serviceaccount tiller.

 # kubectl -n kube-system create serviceaccount tiller
 # kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller

ubuntu@namenode:~$ kubectl get -n kube-system serviceaccount tiller
tiller   1         35m

ubuntu@namenode:~$ kubectl get -n kube-system clusterrole cluster-admin
NAME            AGE
cluster-admin   7d23h

 > Finally initialize the helm with the below command:

 # helm init --service-account tiller

ubuntu@namenode:~$ kubectl -n kube-system get clusterrolebinding,deploy,serviceaccount,pods,replicasets | grep tiller           147m
deployment.apps/tiller-deploy   1/1     1            1           146m
serviceaccount/tiller                               1         51m
pod/tiller-deploy-7b875fbf86-gqn9g                  1/1     Running   0          41m
replicaset.apps/tiller-deploy-7b875fbf86   1         1         1       146m

ubuntu@namenode:~$ helm version --short
Client: v2.15.1+gcf1de4f
Server: v2.15.1+gcf1de4f


Now start installing the packages that you want in the k8s cluster.

ubuntu@namenode:~$ helm search  traefik
NAME          CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION                                               
stable/traefik 1.78.4        1.7.14      A Traefik based Kubernetes ingress controller with Let's ...


ubuntu@namenode:~$ helm search nginx-ingress
NAME                CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION                                               
stable/nginx-ingress 1.24.4        0.26.1      An nginx Ingress controller that uses ConfigMap to store ...
stable/nginx-lego    0.3.1                    Chart for nginx-ingress-controller and kube-lego


ubuntu@namenode:~$ helm search jenkins
NAME          CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION                                               
stable/jenkins 1.7.9        lts        Open source continuous integration server. It supports mu...


ubuntu@namenode:~$ helm inspect stable/jenkins | head
apiVersion: v1
appVersion: lts
description: Open source continuous integration server. It supports multiple SCM tools
  including CVS, Subversion and Git. It can execute Apache Ant and Apache Maven-based
  projects as well as arbitrary scripts.
- email:
  name: lachie83

That is all cheers ;-)


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